Tags: Document Management System Philippines

What is a Document Management System and How Does It Work


Document management, also referred to as Document Management Systems or DMS, is a system or computer program where one will be able to manage, store, and track electronic documents and electronic paper captured by scanning. Document Management is how an organization stores and keeps track of all its electronic documents—documents that are essential to the organization. As ISO 12651-2 states, a document is “recorded information or object which can be treated as a unit”. Despite the difference or even lack of term usage, companies have been using document management in creating and distributing documents for years.

A document management system is not limited to functions such as controlling and organizing documents within the organization. It also incorporates content capture, audit and security, reports generation, information backup, and retrieval systems. Today, document management systems differ in scope and size, from standalone systems to large-scale enterprises. Document management systems provide a means to incorporate physical document filing practices electronically. Businesses decide to make a switch from manual to electronic document management system due to the following:


  • Disparate document storage and broken document process
  • Multiple document versions 
  • Hard to locate documents
  • Compliance issues
  • Document loss


Document Management System Capabilities


Secure Document Repository – Every department has its own way of processing, working, and employee profiles. That is why it is somehow hard to create a document repository manually. A document management system software allows the easy arrangement of numerous documents for any category and team. It provides database and library-level separation, and audit trail, and has the ability to generate access passes. Administrators can track user activity which includes the name of the document they viewed, downloaded, or printed along with the date and time stamp, for the company to monitor and secure any confidential information.

Share and Search Features – Due to heavy and plenty of documentation, organizations tend to end up inside complex files of data. Searching a file in a matter of seconds is simpler with document management software. The software allows authorized persons to index their documents just by submitting file names, document content, and full-text searching.

Tagging Capabilities – Tagging documents helps employees get a quick notification regarding a file with one-click access. This makes an easy way to organize and assigns parts of the document to a specific employee.

Lifecycle Management – Every document starts from creation to finalization. Editing, versioning, and archiving are some of the things that happen between creation and finalization. With the document management system software managing the file is without hassle and file retrieval is quite easy.

One-Click Previews – With document management software, there is no need for employees to download a file in order to know what the file is all about. The software has a feature that allows the user to view the file in preview mode. This feature makes it quicker to review the process for numerous documents that needs approval.

Custom Reporting Capabilities - Quickly generate data intelligence reports associated with your Archive One database and libraries with drag-and-drop reporting. Reports generated can be exported to Excel and PDF for submission.


With the numerous options of Document Management System nowadays, it is imperative that an organization chooses what vital system fits the organization – taking into account the features and capabilities. Moreover, you need to address different questions; i.e, does it have integration capabilities for increased productivity and convenience? Is it accessible on the web and deployed in a highly-secured cloud? Can you easily scale and upgrade the storage easily, as needed?


Archive One Cloud for the new state of work

Success in business can be attributed to the proactive decisions of the people running it. Future-proof your business with the right technological tools.

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We offer scanning services and a cloud-based document management system as a cost-saving solution for organizations looking to maximize workforce productivity, control their records, comply with AMLC requirements, and easily keep up with periodic audits.

Archive One is a document management system (DMS) designed to help companies easily classify, store, secure, and retrieve essential company documents that are needed for retention and audits. With our partners' help, we provide an end-to-end document management solution from scanning to document storage at a highly competitive price.

Achieve documentation compliance with Archive One! Book a 1:1 appointment now.