Data Privacy and Security
Watch how your data is being protected within our subscription plans. Have a look at the infrastructure certifications under Microsoft Azure.
Provides information about certifications to different Data Privacy Standards that our infrastructure (Microsoft Azure) is certified for.
ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, 22301
SOC 1 and SOC2
Data Privacy Act of the Philippines DPA(RA 10173)
Understand how compliance with the DPA is being addressed and what you can do so your organization becomes compliant.
To learn more about the DPA, click here
Risks and Mitigations
Have an understanding of what are the various risks and mitigations that are in place to address them.
About Being Compliant
Understand that software alone cannot be compliant only organizations can be. Have a look at key points that will help your organization be compliant.
Archive One is a document management system designed to help companies easily classify, store, secure, and retrieve essential company documents that are needed for retention and audits. With the help of our partners, we provide an end-to-end document management solution from scanning to document storage, at a highly competitive price.